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Combat Rules

Rizali Chronicles offers dice combat through the HUD system. Free form combat is allowed provided ALL PARTIES involved in the combat agree. No other HUDS are allowed.



There are several potions that exist within the HUD that boost attack and defense, (Lesser (+1) and Greater (+2) Berserker and Shield Wall, respectively), and one that heals the user of the potion. The rules regarding these potions are as follows:

  • Any potions consumed must be done so before combat, and not IN combat. The potions last for eight hours, so they are handy to have to gear up for dungeons or brawl/fight events. Once initiative has been rolled, the potions may not be consumed.

  • A player may consume potions that equal no more than two (2) bonus points at any given time. This means a player may take two Lesser Shield Wall potions, two Lesser Berserker potions, or one of each, but if using a Greater Berserker or Shield Wall potion, may only have one at a time. At no time in combat, should a character ever have more than a +2 bonus on any stat or combined stat, from a potion.


At least two (2) posts of Aggressive RP (from the intended Combat Initiator) must take place before initiative can be rolled. BEFORE initiative is rolled, either party can call for backup (within 20 meters). Time must be given to allow for backup players to RP into the scene/potential fight. No player may teleport from another location to involve themselves in combat.


  • Antagonizing RP: Roleplay that is intended to cause someone to become hostile towards your character.

    • ex: "You're a dirty human and you disgust me." In some instances, this can be considered Aggressive RP.

  • Aggressive RP: Roleplay that is in the form of telling someone that your character wishes to do bodily harm to their character OR roleplay that attempts to do physical harm to another character.

    • ex: "I am going to split your skull open."   

    • ex: Bob the Bully attempts to grab their shirt in order to yank them forward.

We encourage players to reach out OOCly with other parties to coordinate such attempts to start combat so that everyone is on the same page. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to plan every attack, but simply be courteous while you're RPing with others. 


This is a start before the combat takes place. Utilize the HUD Initiative feature to determine who attacks first. Aggressor doesn't necessarily come first in order of post order, initiative is there to decide that and set NEW post order for those in combat. Any HUD enhancements (potions ect) must be used PRIOR to rolling for initiative. Once the post order in combat is set, no other help is allowed.

  • The player with the highest initiative roll is the one to attack first and then it goes in order from highest to lowest.

  • Ties can be rerolled.

  • Combat is LOCKED once the first initiative has been rolled and no one outside of the present RP is allowed to enter the fight.

  • If help has been called (20m range), initiative must be held off until those wanting to respond within the 20m range have arrived and posted in. One post order wait.

  • If initiative from an aggressor has been rolled, and no prior RP has taken place, the one being aggressed upon has the right to walk away.


Calling NPC guards/summoning familiars is acceptable, however they do not have a separate health pool. If the NPC is damaged, the player is damaged. If the NPC loses, the player loses.
NPC guards/summoned familiars use the health pool of the player that summoned them.

Making an attempted aggression against another player, either by magic/weapon/object or hand to hand.

  • Post their attempt first, then make a vs. roll against their opponent to determine if the attack was successful.

  • Player with highest initiative starts the first attack attempt

  • The fight is over once a player has lost all of their health points (3).

  • The opponent only loses a health point if the attacker’s roll is successful (a hit).

  • The attacker does NOT lose a health point if the attack is NOT successful (not a hit).

  • Character receiving the hit decides where the hit lands on their character



Players may attempt to flee from combat ONE time. On the HUD, click on the dice button and then Flee/RP in the pop up menu. A flee roll must be completed against EVERY opponent in the same turn in order to be successful. In cases of a 1xGROUP combat, all players may agree to a single flat roll as a flee and then the player must roll over an agreed upon number.


When combat has ended, no one involved in the fight can fight again for another hour. This allows for Victory Phase (capture RP) to be sorted out and allows for healing RPs to be started. At this point normal RP can resume.
Killing a player’s character MUST ALWAYS be agreed upon by the player whose character would be killed. A member of the Rizali Chronicles Staff should be notified of this consent as well.
Healing can be fun and add a whole new flavor to combat! It can also unnaturally draw them out. So, that being said, a few rules and regulations are in place to try and keep things fair and rolling. 
The ratio is 1 healer for every 3 ally players.
The healer may utilize their turn to attempt a heal on another player. Only 1 completed heal on each ally per encounter.
Healers may not heal themselves, though a player may elect to take a heal potion to heal themselves and also forfeit their attack for that turn. You may only use one healing potion per combat.
Out of Combat Healing
It takes one (1) hour to heal up to full health either on your own or through healing RP that anyone can do. 
Limits MUST be discussed either in IMs or in a player's profile (most likely in their Picks).
Any roleplay consequences of concern or approaching limits should be discussed in IMs to find an outcome agreeable to all parties.
Fade to Black requests should be respected.
If RL gets in the way of a scene, allow for the capture to end or reschedule the scene.

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