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Get Into the Island Vibe

Crescent Cove Docks

Travelers arriving on the island would land on the docks, greeted by a bustling hive of industry and trade as traders, merchants, and sailors go about their business, plying their wares and moving cargo. The Customs Office sits as the first stop for newcomers wishing to register their belongings upon entering the island. The market square seems to never sleep, bodies constantly coming and going in a perfect example of organized chaos, watched over by the guards of the Merchant's Row working alongside the patrols of the Pride. In the centre sits the King's Tavern, home of socializing on the docks, filled to the brim with all manner of nightly shenanigans as the hard working people of the docks let loose at the end of the day. Nestled in the corner is the Ramblin' Rose, the home to all things magical and mystical, people visiting for all their potion needs and tarot card readings in the hope that the Fates and Fortune smile upon them. Bathed in a rich, suggestively inviting red glow is the Feather's Touch, available for the gathering of all those with a preference to the more carnal desires. For the most part, the docks are safe and well kept but there is one particular street behind the Customs Office that has fallen into disrepair and is now known for its more questionable moral enterprises and engagements- it is advised not to venture there alone.


Crescent Cove

The waters of the Crescent Cove are warm and inviting, teeming with life just beneath the surface to anyone willing to explore the oceans depths. Beneath the shadows of the docks a black market is found, not necessarily a place just for illicit or illegal dealings but a place one might find more “exotic” items for sale- it isn’t unusual to see people walking down the ramps of the dock with Bubble Water potions in hand to visit the market and merfolk below. The remains of Skittles can be seen out in the bay, a passenger vessel that sunk in the Great Storm many years ago, its location making it near impossible to remove, thus it was repurposed and offered to the merfolk as a social club, although all are welcome to visit. The residential areas of the waters further the feel of community as the local merfolk and the “landers” live in harmony alongside each other. Hidden beneath the mountain is a deep cavernous grotto, a space away from the eyes of the world where merfolk are able to truly be themselves, and though landers are allowed, they will be observed constantly by the watchful eyes of the oceans denizens. Outsider merfolk arriving from other waters are held accountable by the Starfalk family, who have long since forged a peaceful working relationship with the peoples of the land and will not tolerate any acts of hostility towards those of the land. While constant attempts are made to reduce things being dumped in the waters from the docks or ships, from time to time things may accidentally fall in- finders keepers! The waters are considered safe and are kept watch over by those who call it home, working in conjunction with those on the land.



The Ramblewood is a lush green expanse which ebbs and flows with a magical essence and a feeling of closeness to nature. A hot spring lies at its heart, a popular spot for social gatherings and more private intimate engagements. An outdoor cooking spot attracts local attendance for meets and cookouts. Tucked away is an entrance to a winding labyrinth of maze like tunnels, not necessarily a dangerous place though who knows what truly lurks in the cavernous deeps. Concealed amidst a thick covering of bushes, trees, and vines, there sits the ruins of the old steading of the original De'Leon family, seemingly all that remains of that time gone by. The main path connecting the docks to the farmlands runs alongside the forest, traders and wagons constantly on the move back and forth along the road. The forests and roads are relatively safe- while guard patrols do happen, there are plenty of places to hide if one knows where to look. Caution is always advised on paths less traveled.



Outside the walls of the city sits the farmlands of Silver Cliffs, home to many of those who work the lands. There is a constant busy air about the place as farmers come and go about their business and tending their fields, vineyards, or cattle. The village looks to the Red Tree Inn as a place for respite after heavy days work, a welcoming place to anyone, be they native to the island or newly arrived and looking for a new life. A small wagon settlement has established behind the inn, travellers having arrived once upon a time and deciding to stay permanently, always happy to accept new faces to join their camp. A small bridge leads to the temple space of the Fates and Fortunes, a spot that is considered neutral and welcoming to all comers regardless of their religion or standing in society. There is said to be a crystalline cave hidden somewhere in the farmlands, a quiet spot for meditation or to simply bask in the strangely refreshing aura emitted by the crystals themselves, locals tell of bad karma befouling those who would try to remove the crystals. A bridge linking the farmlands to the forest spans across the river and waterfalls, home to a guard post where members of the Pride constantly check anyone crossing back and forth. In general, the farmlands are safe under the watchful eyes and patrols of the guards.


Lion's Gate City

Entering Lion's Gate City is briskly met with attentive guards of the Pride, once a citizenship coin is shown, or a visitor's weapons are stored in the shack by the gate, they are welcomed by the scent of Magical Morsels Bakery, the ribbons from Thread Up Tailor adorn the Luck Tree, dancing softly in the breeze. More are added regularly to test ones luck. The Scholar's Emporium Library is always open and holds a noise ward to keep the bustle of the main square quiet on the inside. Behind the tailor shop, you can find the bathhouse, the Merchant's Row Office and Bank, Big Wicks Candles, and the Meat Shack. Coming up the side road, the Infirmary is clearly labelled with Green banners. The Pride patrols the City with regularity and more guards may be found the closer one gets to Pride Tower, the government center which houses Pride Barracks, the Lord Commander's Office, the open-to-the-public Magistrate Office and a meeting room on the second floor along with rooftop training grounds. Housing and the general feel of the city is warm and safe with constant surveillance and very little concern of illicit activity. Unless one flies, there is truly one way in (though there are zip lines out) of Lion's Gate City and this has lead to a sense of safety for the citizens and merchants who make their home within the city walls.

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