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Both player and character have to be 18+ in order to play in Rizali Chronicles sims. There is no exception to this rule. This is an adult sim with adult content, including public erp, character nudity, etc.
You are expected to follow Second Life/Linden Lab's Terms of Service at all times. Failure to do so will result in an immediate ban. 

  • It is the responsibility of the player to make sure their character conforms to sim rules and sim lore, and not the other way around.

  • No God-like creatures, demi-gods, deities, children or family members of gods, or licensed characters (Geralt, Bilbo, Thor).

  • Please refrain from direct use of Real World/OOC religious beliefs in an IC manner. This story is not set on Earth, our OOC religions do not exist in an IC capacity. There are plenty of deities to pick from made for D&D and other such scenarios.

  • No non-realistically proportioned avatars including excessive height (for the character race), oversized breasts, buttocks, or other body features that do not offer a natural body shape.

  • Avatars should be in attire that is reasonable for a Medieval Fantasy Sim. No overly mechanical or modern attire or weapons are permitted. Zippers, heels, buttons, and corsets are okay.

  • These expectations are held to the scrutiny of the Rizali Staff, which is final, and must be adjusted before you are permitted to enter roleplay.

  • No body parts, clothing, accessories, etc should be able to spam the local chat.


This is a consent based sim. Combat, capture, erotic roleplay, and other scenes that influence players should be based upon consent of the players. Every action should be written as an attempt and the other party has full right to decline or avoid attempts. 
IMPORTANT NOTE - Be mindful of your actions if you wish to avoid consequences. 
If a player continuously places their character in trouble (breaking laws, entering faction locations, verbally attacking others, drawing a weapon, capture / combat) a player waives the ability to decline consequences. 
Do not use information and knowledge in roleplay learned Out of Character or through alternative means such as:

  • Playing multiple characters in the same scene​.

  • Looking at a player dot on a map in order to rescue or target them.

  • Obtaining information or hearing a conversation through closed doors or in chat range in another room or another floor/building, without consent of the players.


This term describes a player forcing another player's character to do something without asking OOC first or 'attempting' in their post. Everything you do in roleplay will be through attempt and OOC consent. This includes things that are supposed to affect other characters regardless of their OOC consent (ie auras (X has a holy aura that makes everyone nearby feel comforted etc) and stuff like "X only comes out at night therefore all scenes are expected to be nighttime.").
This is when a player roleplays an all-powerful character that has no consequences to their actions, nor do they have weaknesses. This can also be when a player declares that an In Character action is successful without player consent or makes a move that would never realistically happen. 
If you need to step away from your computer, inform your fellow Players that you are stepping away. Do not disappear without informing them. This can cause a long lag in roleplay while others are waiting for you. Please AFK in the AFK dock in the landing zone or in private spaces like rentals and not in public places where other players may try to engage you in RP.

NOTE: Going AFK in public IC spaces for a long time may result in an admin pushing your avatar into a more appropriate location or TPing you home!
Please adhere to proper post order unless otherwise stated (i.e. If a scene has more than six players or a tavern environment)- it may be agreed upon for free form posting. It is good manners if you have posted to a player to give them a chance to respond before posting to them again. Combat scenes will always have a given post order dictated by the Initiative Roll.
Our goal is to have transparency and reach out to discuss problem behaviors and issues. Before anything else happens you will be given one warning, however if the behavior continues or is extreme enough, it may warrant permanent dismissal.

  • Hounding someone for nudes, voice, ERP, etc.

  • Underage play. We only accept Characters that are 18+ at Rizali Chronicles.

  • Soliciting for Lindens.

  • Breaches of Second Life Terms Of Service.

  • Pretending to be Staff of the Rizali Chronicles.

  • Out of Character harassment or bullying including but not limited to: race, sexual orientation, sexual identity, age, disability, religion or creed will not be tolerated. This is a very hard line for Rizali Chronicles, we strive to be an equitable safe space for our players.

Owners Discretion: If it becomes evident that there is tedious repetition and escalation, centered around a player or group, requiring excessive staff involvement, Rizali Owners may uninvite a player to the sim to protect their staff from the constant added stressor and strain of managing a specific player or group.

Rizali Chronicles
Sim Rules

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