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In-Character Expectations

Rizali Chronicles has a few expectations for in-character and RP appearances and behaviors. Outside of the obvious sim rules- such as the common limits regarding power-gaming, god-modding, meta-gaming, anime/furry/copyrighted characters and so on, we also have the following expectations and restrictions.




1. While we do list available IC Lead positions, and expect an application for these positions... we ALSO expect you to RP for it- novel idea, right? We want your character to put in the work for these positions, which means speaking to the right players in character, laying the groundwork (for example, speaking with various players IC "Oh yes, I've been speaking with Marigold the baker about buying the bakery, that might be nice!") You can find out more here.


2. This also means story based things? RP it out! We present story prompts, but we expect players to develop that story in their own way. Your character gets attacked by a random wild animal in the woods? Start telling people about the beast in the woods, make a report to the guards, etc. However your character would respond, please do it! This is is how story is built!


3. We have provided an IC currency in the HUD, everyone has a decent amount of it, and has access to more each week through the stipend. This means we expect you to use it! If you go to RP in a tavern or shop and no one is there to man the shop, please send the currency to character name "Rizali" unless the shop is owned by another player character, who will be named on the website under Businesses, in which case, please send it to them! For example, The Ramblin Rose is owned by Kizzie, so if she's not online but you buy some herbs or something, send her the coin anyway. If you stop in at a market booth and no one is manning it, send coin to Rizali. Now, we can't police this, and we honestly don't expect everyone to use it, but we do strongly encourage its use!


4. We expect all characters to have reasonable, realistic body proportions and heights. Understandably, the magic and make-believe world differs strongly from our dull human world, but butts and boobs the size of houses is extremely immersion breaking for many players and pushes the line on cartoony avatars. This includes 7 or 8 foot tall humans, elves etc. Please keep character height realistic to the race being played!


5. We also expect realistic backstories, magic, racial traits, and ages for your characters. It is your responsibility to make sure your character fits the sim.


6. Lastly, we expect characters to ICly refrain from direct use of RL religions. While many aspects of fantasy lore pertain to our RL history, and are difficult to avoid, we ask, out of respect for these, that instead of using known deity or religion names (example: Odin, Zeus, Jesus, Wicca, Hinduism, etc) that you please use fictional deities and religions. While we are not explicitly D&D based, there is a broad selection of options therein.




Races - We do not currently accept the following races whatsoever: demons, celestials (angels), gods, demi-gods,  mind flayers, undead (excluding vampires), kitsunes, nekos.


Character magic - While we encourage creative use of magic (this is a fantasy sim after all) we do not allow OP or sim-breaking use of magic. Therefore, void magic and most forms of necromancy are not allowed. As an example, someone who is born with an elemental ability to control water may be able to lift and manipulate enough water to fill a large bathtub, or even a very small pond, in one go, but they won't be creating tidal waves or summoning rain. All magic has reasonable limitations regarding volume, range, and potency based on energy.


Racial traits - While we cannot detail every acceptable race (nor do we want to), we expect all characters to have reasonable racial traits. For example, a dryad may be able to speak with trees, grow vines, bark skin, and have the most amazing green thumb, but they cannot grow an entire tree or forest in a day. A dragon may have a breath weapon, but it must be reasonable to the type of dragon and follow combat rules.


Auras - If your character has any sort of aura, either good or evil, players nearby are NOT automatically affected by it. Either party may do a roll against (non-damaging) to see if they are affected or not. Insisting all players within a certain radius to feel any given way just because your character is nearby is wildly OP and god-modding, and therefore not allowed. Please make sure to account for this in your titler if an aura is desired.


Teleportation - teleportation IC is allowed with the following restrictions: teleporting character may only go short distances, to places they can plainly, obviously, see (so not to places they are peeping at through a keyhole), or to places they are familiar with, not inside of player rentals without permission, not within warded spaces (inside of the Pride Tower, the bank, the library/scholars space, customs).

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