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Noble Houses

You may arrive as a noble or foreign noble and build a house over time if you are looking to do such! Noble houses must consist of 3+ members.


It costs 1 gold, after OOC acceptance of the application**, payable to any member of the De'Leon House, or to 'Rizali' to gain IC recognition of the House by the island's ruling family. Members may pool their resources for this.


Note: It is expected that at least 2/3s of the required players for noble houses be active (on sim and engaging players in RP at least 5-10 hours a week) in order to maintain official status. If only one player is active for a span of 3 weeks or so, the noble house will be removed from representation on the website. Part of the notion of the Noble Houses is to help drive group RP and provide story for the sim, and expected to be active, participating, and engaging, thus inactive houses will be taken down.



The ability to rent one of the XL mansions and unbothered access to the government building in the city. The XL rentals are available to active Noble Houses on a first come, first serve basis. These are intended as a group home for all members of the house, and therefore additional rentals for noble house members will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


** Please supply an application in the Business/Noble House Application box in the landing zone and speak with Rizali Staff if you would like to apply.

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