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Silver Cliffs Laws

All course of action taken by the Court is ultimately done by the Power of the Crown as such, any law or practice of law can be overruled, interpreted, changed, or waived purely at the Discretion of the Crown or its designee the Regent.


⌘ Lesser Laws ⌘


1.1 Citizenship | Guards may request proof of Citizenship at any time of any person within Silver Cliffs Territory. The Citizenship Coin as distributed by the Regent must be produced upon request for entry to Cities and towns along with general right of due process.


1.2 Weapons | The Citizens of Silver Cliffs are the only individuals given the right to possess weapons in Silver Cliffs Cities and towns. Non-Citizens must turn in their weapons with the guard before entering a Silver Cliffs City or town. Weapons can be defined as any object that can be reasonably assumed to cause harm to another at the discretion of the Guard.


1.3 Vigilantism | The Citizens of Silver Cliffs are not to take the law into their own hands for any reason, unless sanctioned by the Guard. Vigilantism can be described as the enforcement or punishment of perceived offenses without legal sanction.


1.4 Decency | The Citizens of Silver Cliffs are to conduct themselves in a Decent and Modest manner in Silver Cliffs Territory. Any display of nakedness, debauchery, or any other profane behavior (at the discretion of The Guard) is subject to arrest. 


1.5 Defamation | If one is found to be undermining the integrity of another’s character or reputation without proof or corroboration of their claim, the injured party may bring the case to Court. The accused must attend said court or be subject to arrest and found guilty.


1.6 Theft | Dishonestly appropriating the property of another, as well as those knowingly dealing with goods illicitly gained, will be fined to the value of the stolen items and [If possible] must return the property to its rightful owner.


1.7 Animals | Only tamed beasts may roam the lands, all other beasts must be chained. Owners are responsible for and may be liable for any actions done by their beast.


Punishments for violating Lesser Laws are but not limited to:

(1) Fines: no greater than 5 Silver.

(2) Jail Time: no longer than 1 Day.

(3) Surfdom: minimum of 3 Days. 



⌘ Major Laws ⌘


2.1 Assault | Assault on a citizen of Silver Cliffs, or those who are invited guests, will be judged by the Court.​


2.2 Greater Destruction of Property | Any person engaging in the destruction of lands and properties owned or owed to the Crown or nobility of Silver Cliffs is liable for the financial value of the damaged property and/or  punishment decided by the Court.


2.3 Common Destruction of Property | In all instances verified by the Watch, the offender is liable for the financial value of the damaged property and/or issued a punishment decided by the court


2.4 Fraud | If one is found to have committed fraud, of any kind, they will be required to pay a fee to the Crown, which will dispense a portion to the injured parties. If the fraud committed is against the Crown or its servants, the Court may determine the severity of the punishment that is fitting for the offense.


2.5 Acts of Public Nuisance | are a crime and include disturbing the peace, damaging or uncertified modification of property that require repair, clean up or otherwise pose a risk to the safety of others.This includes vandalism. Violation is at the discretion of the guard. Punishment will be decided by The Court.


2.6 Obstruction of Justice | Knowingly subverting, interfering with, or lying to guards in the course of an investigation. Must be willfully done. Obstructing magisterial adjudication/duties also falls under this domain.


Punishments for violating Major Laws are but not limited to: 

(1) Fines: no greater than 15 Silver.

(2) Jail Time: no longer than 3 Days.

(3) Surfdom: minimum of 1 Week.



⌘ Capital Laws ⌘


3.1 Treason | Treason is defined as any measure taken to intentionally undermine the safety, security, or integrity of the Crown and/or the island of Silver Cliffs. This may be through direct or indirect action, the release of sensitive information, spying for a foreign power, or levying war against them without the direction of the Crown, or aiding a hostile nation to the detriment of the Crown and the Kingdom at large.


3.2 Greater Assault | Assault on a member of the Crown, the Council of Four, the Court, the Guard, a claimant of nobility, or foreign dignitary is a capital crime. In all cases, the severity of the offense is dictated by the Court.


3.3 ​Murder & Manslaughter | It is the Crown, as advised by the Court, that determines how a murderer is to be punished. Manslaughter, defined as non-premeditated death caused by witnessed self-defense or accident, will not usually end in capital punishment or exile. The court of public opinion may sway the outcome.


Punishments for violating Capital Laws may result in but not limited to: 

(1) Seizure of assets, including all silver, and self (indefinite serfdom)

(2) Removal of titles

(3) Exile from Silver Cliffs.

(4) Execution. 



⌘ Court Structure & Punishments ⌘


4.1 Court Structure | All course of action taken by the court is ultimately done by the Power of the Crown as such, any law or practice of law can be overruled, interpreted, changed, or waived purely at the Discretion of the Crown or its designee the Regent.

4.1.1 Regent - Oversees the Courts by the Power invested through the Crown

4.1.2 Magistrate - Oversees and rules on Lesser and Major Law Offenses and may write warrants for outstanding criminal behavior.

4.1.3 Barrister - May advise citizens to the laws and offer knowledge to the guards

4.1.4 More positions may be added as needed.


4.2 Tedious Repetition and Escalation of Punishments | The Court respects the need to address the frustrations and mounting expenses of both the Guards and Magistrate in legally processing individuals who violate the same laws repeatedly. It is agreed that the Court may elevate punishment levels of Lesser and Major Law violations when dealing with repeat offenders. 


4.3 Process of the Courts | When Guards identify a law being broken they are to arrest the individuals in question. Guards notify the Court of the need for a judgment, giving written recounting of events along with which laws codes have been broken.


4.3.1 Citizens of Silver Cliffs are given the opportunity to state their case before a Magistrate who then rules punishment. 


4.3.2 Non-Citizens receive no opportunity to state their case as the Courts trust the Crown Guard to give an accurate recounting of arrest details, Magistrates issue punishments directly.

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