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How did I get to the island of Silver Cliffs?

As Silver Cliffs is an island, you have most likely set sail and arrived at our ports. You either come from the Dalezya Empire or a neighboring kingdom. Perhaps you were unlucky who were washed ashore, or perhaps you flew! ​Some folk may even have been born here.



Will we connect with any other sims?

At this time we are focusing on us and they are focusing on them and if we can meet back together for lore and stories, great! If not, we'll be ok. ​Please contact staff if you are interested in joining with us for a multi-sim adventure.



Who do I pay if no one is manning a shop?

Please pay "Rizali" through the HUD if the shop is unowned. If another player runs the shop, please check the Businesses page for the name and pay their character name! We do not enforce the use of the HUD currency but strongly encourage it!



What's the vibe of this place?

Medieval Fantasy - magic, swords, and shenanigans! While we have a dice driven HUD for cause and effect, this is a story driven community. Please check out the Silver Cliffs Map for a more comprehensive vibe check!



Can you continue your story in Rizali coming from somewhere else?

Absolutely! While we are not affiliated with any other sims, we are happy to have your character here, provided it is one of the accepted races. The character still needs to follow applicable sim rules.



What can I do to help?

Come roleplay with us! If you'd like to donate, there is a wishing well in the landing zone where the profit goes directly to sim tier and improvements.



Do you need a DJ? I can DJ events!

That's great! But... not something we need. We prefer to stream music through discord for events in a voice channel, and will probably never stream music through SL because of the lag it causes.



What should I play? What races do you need? What businesses do you need?
Players! Players who want to play what makes them happy! We want you to play what you feel most comfortable with! What gets YOU excited to come on sim and play? You are welcome to tour the sim OOCly and find where you would fit best!



I want to run this business/guild/faction, where do I apply?
For Factions and Guilds: Here! For businesses and noble houses, there is an application in the landing zone. We encourage you to start putting in the IC work. Roleplay for it! We want your character to display as much interest in that position as you are, and your activity, presence, character knowledge, etc all come together for us to decide if we grant that position. You want to lead the Scholars? Join it first, start spending time and RPing there, put effort into organizing meetings, come up with ideas, follow through. We will NOT just arbitrarily pass out IC leadership positions based on someones desire for IC power. RP for it!



I have a story/plot line idea, who do I speak to?
Fantastic! We love having players hosting small events. Please ping any member of staff on Discord or in world to discuss your idea prior to enacting it!



What races are allowed?

Please see our Race page. As a reminder your main avatar should be humanoid in nature and on two feet. Please keep the large complex avatars such as dragons for special occasions and not your daily driver- time on sim should be 99% humanoid.



But I want to play this wildly special/powerful/differently themed character, how can we make this work out for me?

Please remember it is your responsibility as a volunteer player to make sure your character fits the lore of the sim. We will not break sim lore for your character.



Who can fly?

Those with the ability to fly are those who are realistically capable (ie wings, magic).



How many characters can I play?

You may have no more than two unique characters. This includes utilizing alt accounts (if you use two separate accounts, you are limited to one character each, or two characters on one account). Unique characters with the same player, including those on different accounts, should not engage together in a scene or in spaces with their other unique character, including but not limited to being within eyesight of each other, roleplaying directly with each other, or passing information between each other. For more information please see our Character Creation section. Players are limited to one character retire/reroll a month.



Are there demons, celestials, or matching realms (demonic/celestial realms or planes)? What about Undead?

Here in Rizali, we do not allow the playing of demons or celestials and do not have related planes available. We allow tieflings and aasimar, which may be played as a race of their accord, or a very long descent from an Abyssian or Etherian. Please see the page for Races for further information. We also do not allow for undead, aside from vampires and dhampir.



Why can't I be in my full/large size avatar (ie dragons, griffins, unicorns, animal forms etc)?
This is to help reduce rendering lag as many of the sim staff play on Mac computers or older units. ICly, there are numerous reasons, including character safety (someone running around causing IC issues as a full size dragon will end up with an angry mob chasing them down) and the fact that many of these races have not yet made it across the sea to the island of Silver Cliffs.


Any other questions please contact us!

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