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Create Your Character

Rizali Chronicles is looking to create a player base of unique players with a limited number of additional characters. Some of the best roleplay happens when people commit to a character and explore and enrich that character's story.


We have very specific expectations for Players who choose to come to Rizali and roleplay:


  • Note that it is the players responsibility to make sure their character conforms to sim rules/lore. Non-conforming characters will be cause for the player to be asked to re-roll or reconsider character race or traits. 


  • Stories continued from other sims are welcome in Rizali Chronicles provided they fit sim rules and lore. Please leave room for your character to grow!


  • Players may bring no more than TWO Characters to Rizali. This includes on the same avatar or spread to different avatars. ​


  • When a player wishes to re-stat (reassignment of stats for character development), or retire a character in order to create a new character, please ping a member of staff for assistance. Players are limited to ONE re-stat and ONE retire/roll new per month. This includes retiring "accident" characters that are put in the HUD before a character has been fully realized.


  • Players may only hold ONE lead role regardless of the number of  characters.  

    • Lead Roles Include: Guild Leads, Faction Leads, Magistrates, and second in command of such groups.​


  • If a player chooses to create two characters, they are expected to keep in character information separated from each story, to keep them unique. Please be mindful and separate information.​


  • Characters with the same player may not engage together in a scene or in spaces with their other unique character. While there are several groups on sim filled with amazing players, it is preferred that you do not play more than one character within the same faction/house/guild/family ect. 


  • Regardless of character race and/or class, those with the ability to shift may only have ONE animal form that they can shift in and out of- for example a werewolf can shift into a warform or a quadruped wolf, but it is a wolf regardless.


  • Exceptions are made for Staff creating NPC characters brought to Rizali specifically for story telling and lore purposes.




Attack: This stat adds a bias to attack rolls in combat.

Defense: This stat adds a bias to defense in combat.

Wealth: This stat increases the weekly stipend. The base amount of stipend for a Wealth stat of 0 is 100 copper. Each point in Wealth increases the character's weekly stipend by an additional 100 copper. IE: 0=100, 1=200, 2=300, etc. How each character receives this weekly stipend is up to you- this can be income from work, theft, inheritance, etc.





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Noble Houses

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