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Pick Your Race

There is an expectation of humanoid or human presenting characters with realistic strengths and weaknesses. The following is a list of generally acceptable character races.


Any races or characters that shift can only access ONE animal form. Some, such as lycans, may have a bipedal version of their animal form as well as a quadrupedal version. Characters may not have multiple animals they can shift into, regardless of race or class.


Hybrid Creation: While we do allow characters to be a hybrid of two applicable races, one of the two races is always the dominant that offers traits and powers. Hybrid characters would not have powers utilized from both races as this creates a disproportionate advantage over singular race characters. Dragons, vampires, aasimar, tieflings, and genasi may only hybridize with either an elf or human. While dragons and vampire hybrid offspring may take more after either parent, any 'hybrid' offspring of aasimar, tieflings, or genasi will take after that parent. For example, if an aasimar produces offspring with an elf, the offspring will be aasimar, etc.


We do not allow undead, djinn/genies, full demons, or full celestials- the closest to these we allow are genasi, tieflings, aasimar, vampires, and dhampir.


Please contact Rizali Staff with questions.

Humans are the youngest of the common races, late to arrive on the world scene and short-lived in comparison to others. Perhaps it is because of their shorter lives that they strive to achieve as much as they can in the years they are given, building their mighty empires on the foundation of conquest and trade. Humans are the innovators, the achievers, and the pioneers of the worlds.



Do we really need to explain this? No non-realistic proportioned avatars including oversized breasts, butts, or other body features that do not offer a natural body shape. Heads must not be anime in nature.



  • Hafling - They are a race (not a halfbreed), just like men, elves, orcs, trolls and dwarves. They have many unique features such as hairy feet, very small size, low strength and constitution, and lack of beard. 

  • Goliath- Goliaths are nomadic mountain dwellers. They are very tall beings of great strength.



Bold and hardy, dwarves are known as skilled warriors, miners, and workers of stone and metal. Their courage and endurance are also easily a match for any of the larger folk.



​Though they stand well under 5 feet tall, dwarves are so broad and compact that they can weigh as much as a human standing nearly two feet taller. Like humans, dwarves have a wide variety of skin, eye, and hair colors. Male dwarves are often bald and grow thick facial hair, which was sometimes used to display social status. Both sexes naturally grow ample facial hair.​

Beastfolk & Shifters

Known for their primal nature and drive to hunt and defend their lands. Bipedal animal forms are permitted for both. Shifters may be affected by the full moon events but also may shift at will if their story has progressed with those abilities. Beastfolk do not shift, were-folk shift based on the moon, and other shifter types may shift at will.



Beastkin in Rizali are expected to offer a humanoid form with fur, without being a ‘furry’ or anime in visual nature. This means more than just ears and a tail, expecting beastkin and shifters alike to represent their species without appearing as a neko. Shifters are expected to maintain a basic humanoid form that shifts into their beast be it bear, wolf, lion, or fox, etc.



  • Centaur - bottom half a horse or deer, may utilize a glamor to appear bipedal.

  • Catfolk - May or may not have a feline head or cat-like feet, but must display more than just ears or tails- realistic fur textures and eyes/eye shape required.

  • Harpies - Tend to have bird-like appearances featuring wings, feathers, taloned feet, etc.

  • Lycan - Bitten shifter (all transmission of lycanthropy must be consented to and approved by Rizali Staff there is a limit of one transmission bite per Character - transmission is limited to humans and elves.)

  • Garou - born shifter that does not transmit their ability.

  • Minotaur - cow head or hooved legs are acceptable please keep this more photorealistic.

  • Naga - snake bottom, may utilize a glamor to appear a bipedal.

  • (Please reach out to Rizali Staff if you have an additional Beastkin for consideration)


Dragons are protected by their scaly hide, the color of which is determined by the dragon's species, and which also offers a visual clue to the specific elemental nature of each dragon.They tend to hoard wealth—although "wealth" could mean different things to different dragons and jealously protect their hoards.



All dragons shape-change into humanoid forms. Dragons are inherently magical beings, and most tend to have an elemental alignment. While shapes vary from noodle to dinosaur, most have a variety of scales, horns, wings, claws and tails. Many of these features are also often found on their humanoid forms. Dragons generally have a breath attack (ice, wind, fire, earth, etc). Please recognize that while dragons are an invited race, we are looking for a moderate approach to their character. Dragon characters are also expected to be in humanoid form 99% of the time.



  • Dragonkin - bipedal/humanoid shaped dragons.

  • Kobold - mini goblin dragon things.

  • Half Dragons - dragons may hybridize with either a human or elven partner. The offspring may take more after either parent.


Orcs have a reputation as violent barbarians who seek only to raid, pillage, and take slaves from more civilized lands. However, many have chosen to live in the city, often as guards, though some seek out an education.



Orcs are a large brawny race with even the shortest of them being a little over 6 feet tall and a Bull Green Orc standing a solid 7. Orc males are on average larger and heavier with wide features and broad bodies while females tend to be more slender and almost humorously are still around as strong as the bigger males. Typically tall and muscled on average they usually have black hair with eyes that can come in several colors though brown is most common.


Goblins often live in underground caverns near the surface known as lairs. Typically, Goblins live up to 60 years.



​Goblins have flat faces, sloped back forehead, broad noses, pointed ears, and small, sharp fangs, and their eyes vary in color from red to yellow. Their skin color ranges from green or yellow through any shade of orange to a deep red.


Elves are a magical people who love nature, magic, art, music, and poetry. Elves offer ethereal grace and fine features. They can live well over 700 years, giving them a broad perspective on events that might trouble the shorter-lived races.



Elves had a similar range of complexions to humans, with very dark to very pale for hair, skin and eyes. Elves tend to be fair and beautiful, handsome, and have pointed ears and no body hair except eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair.



  • Avariel- elves with wings (not Aasimar).

  • Drow - subterranean elves with darker skin tones.

  • Lythari - pure blooded elves blessed with a wolven form. The wolven form may only be passed down to offspring if the parents are both pure elven and at least one is Lythari.


Fae folk are among the most diverse of races, as diverse as nature itself. Even among subraces, there are further varieties. For example, the subrace "dryad" can be a dryad of any sort of tree - there are as many types of dryad as there are types of trees! The few things that hold true for all fae, however, is their intolerance to iron (though other metals may be tolerated) and their inability to lie. This inability makes them masters at word play- don't leave anything open to interpretation with them! Most fae also have some ability to cast a glamour, either on themselves or another (with OOC consent), or the spaces around them. These glamors may be minor (as color changes) or major (such as bearing the appearance of wings) but such major changes typically won't hold up to a physical inspection (wings would not be tangible and could not provide flight).



Most fae have some element of nature to their appearance- generally flora or fauna (leaves, flowers, fur, horns, etc) but some may display crystals or stones. Of course, the appearance must match the subrace- you would not find an aurae with crystals, nor a pixie with cloven hooves!



  • Pixies and sprites

  • Unicorns

  • Nymph (dryads, aurae, nerieds, etc)

  • Satyr and fauns

  • Changelings (human/elf raised in a fae space (often in exchange for a fae baby or stolen) and deeply fae touched)

  • Fae touched (any being that has spent too much time around fae or fae spaces, though accepted, requires a custom race app)


Merfolk are an amphibious race, born and at home in the water but comfortable on dry land. Known to be playful creatures, merfolk often prank adventurers they come across. Their levels of mischief might come across as cruel, but not overly malicious. Merfolk generally live in isolated settlements within coral reefs or cliffs that are honeycombed with numerous passages and rooms. Some live within underwater cities of their own design, built from coral, rocks, and shells. Glamour: able to will the tail away and have legs.



Aquatic humanoids with upper body, arm and head of a human and instead of legs, have the tail of a fish. They have skin of ivory, silver, russet, blue, or deep purple, long fins extend from the backs of their forearms and calves, and their fingers and toes are webbed. The hairlike growths on their heads are either thick and bristly like the needles of a sea urchin, or long and wavy, resembling fine seaweed.  The coloration of their eyes, hair, and skin tend to mimic colors and patterns on fish from their region of birth.



  • Siren - merfolk that can offer the siren’s call (this must be consented to by players with the option to roll to save).

  • Triton - instead of a fish tail, they may have octopus tentacles or humanoid legs.


Aasimar bear within their souls the light of the heavens. It is believed they are descended from humans or elves who long ago consorted with beings known as Etherians, from the celestial plane, the divine realm of many lawful good deities and beings.



Aasimar are a people of otherworldly visages, with luminous features that reveal their ancestral nature. They tend to look exactly like humans or elves, some may have hair or eye color that is influenced by ethereal energy, such as white or silver hair, skin having a golden tint, etc. They may have wings and may have the ability to will them away temporarily.


NOTE: Due to the already existing hybrid nature of an aasimar, players may not additionally hybridize this race. If an aasimar procreates with a human or elf, the offspring will be aasimar.


Tieflings are similar to aasimar, as human or elven based beings infused with the blood of the fiendish planes from beings known as Abyssians, or so it is told. Tieflings are known for their cunning and personal allure, which makes them excellent deceivers as well as inspiring leaders and shrewd business folk.



While some look like normal humans or elves, most have physical characteristics that reflect their ancestral nature, with the most common features being horns, tails, bat wings, claws, and pointed teeth. 


NOTE: Due to the already existing hybrid nature of a tiefling, players may not additionally hybridize this race. If a tiefling procreates with a human or elf, the offspring will be tiefling.


Genasi, much like tieflings and aasimar, are typical human or elven based beings that are supposedly descendants of elemental beings. Thus, genasi are typically associated with a specific element- water, fire, air, or earth. This gives them some control of their element, though this is relatively small scale. For example, a water-based genasi would not be able to control more than about a bathtub's worth of water in one go.



Typically appearing as a normal human or elf, but often with eye, hair, or tint of skin that associates with their corresponding element.


NOTE: Due to the already existing hybrid nature of a genasi, players may not additionally hybridize this race. If a genasi procreates with a human or elf, the offspring will be genasi.


Vampires enjoy the finer things and are prone to a more decadent lifestyle. While many assume vampires to be nothing but manipulative monsters, there are many who seek to retain their humanity and make their home amongst the people of the island.


Standard/acceptable powers of a vampire include the following:

  • Strength/Speed that exceeds that of their prior life.

  • Bite - typically to feed, which may be used to turn another, but that requires a character reroll for the other player.

  • Charm - requires a dice roll, does not give total control over another character so much as subtle influence.

  • Travel Form OR True Form (cannot have both on one character!) - Travel Form allows the vampire to turn into a small bat to travel. True Form allows a short term shift (for a couple hours at most, for example, in a fight) into a bat-like beastkin appearance.



More often than not a vampire will look exactly the same as they did when they were alive as a human or elf, only now with a much paler complexion and a potential change to their eye colour, predominantly red or yellow.. There are cases of some having more hardened monstrous features on occasion.



  • Dhampir - hybrid offspring of a vampire paired with either a human or elven parent. May take more after either parent.

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