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Religion in Silver Cliffs

Disclaimer: Much like its OOC player base, Silver Cliffs is a multi faith kingdom. Players are advised that while these are the mainly practiced religions in the kingdom of Silver Cliffs, they are by no means the ONLY acceptable and playable religions. Players are encouraged to worship whatever fantasy faith they see fit, the following are merely suggestions to help further role play and sim wide lore.


Note: We are actively avoiding use of real-world religions as they can be hot-button and controversial topics. There are plenty of fantasy religions to pick from. We are also notably avoiding allowing demons, celestials, or any beings that come from such realms. Our tieflings and aasimar are far removed from whatever being they are descended from and such beings are no longer found here. Please play and character-create accordingly!


The Fates

The Three who watch and preside over the lives and fates of mortals and the universe. Weaving complex intertwining tapestries that tell the stories of a life's journey. While largely predefined, these fates are not set in stone as actions and consequences of events in ones life are constantly weighed and considered. Giving mortals even the smallest semblance of control over their own fate. It is said that The Three may even have a control over the fates of even the other deities. 


Maiden - Presides over the early events of a persons life.

Mother - Presides over the adult and mature stages of life. Responsible for deciding the direction a life will take.

Crone - Presides over the latter stages of a persons life and responsible for ensuring the passage from life to death of a soul. 



Presides over a life that prefers the path more random. Based on luck, chance and taking a gamble. Often viewed as the "darker" side of things due to the representations and those who often follow him, but in fact he is unbiased and neutral, neither a positive force or a negative force such is the way of chance and luck.

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