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HUD How-To

Most of these will have a pop up menu to select further options, but this is the gist of each available button on the HUD.


Players are expected to use the in-HUD currency (in Inventory) to pay for IC items. If you are RPing in a store/tavern etc that is not being manned, please pay the owner character of the establishment (found on the Businesses page) or the "Rizali" account.


Stats & Leveling

Each character starts off at level 0 with 5 ability points to be distributed amongst the three stats. Max level is 10, with an additional ability point gained at each level. Leveling works as, each level requires that many experience points to reach (ie it takes 1 point to go from level 0 to level 1, 2 more points to go from level 1 to level 2, etc.) for a total of 55XP to max. Each stat may have up to 5 points, meaning max level makes all stats fully filled.

XP may be gained up to 4 points a week, with one possible point in each category:

Visit XP

(on sim as that character for a minimum of 5 hours each week)

General XP

(participate in at least 1 event each week)

Guild XP

(from the main guild you are in, must be in the guild in the HUD)

Faction XP

(from the main faction you are in, must be in the faction in the HUD)


Attack: This stat adds a bias to attack rolls in combat.

Defense: This stat adds a bias to defense in combat.

Wealth: This stat increases the weekly stipend. The base amount of stipend for a Wealth stat of 0 is 100 copper. Each point in Wealth increases the character's weekly stipend by an additional 100 copper. IE: 0=100, 1=200, 2=300, etc. How each character receives this weekly stipend is up to you- this can be income from work, theft, inheritance, etc.



1 gold = 10 silver (1000 copper)

1 silver = 100 copper

As a rough guideline, one can expect small/simple goods to cost a couple copper, a small meal to cost ~10 copper, fancy meals might cost 25 copper, a horse might cost as much as a gold, etc.



From the dice roller, you can roll initiative, flee, attack, make a flat roll, heal, etc.



This is a shortcut button to the attack dice roller. Selecting this will prompt to select a target.


HUD Central

This is the main button. From here you can access your characters, titler, teleports, etc.


Ability Points

Generally, you will spend your ability points upon creating your character, but if not, this is where you access them later.



You can access currency, stipend, and supplies like potions here.



Reset your health, or even set it to a specific number for RP reasons here.



From here you can access your GPHUD stuff, the discord invite, and a link to the website.

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