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History Books

Each of these plots is meant to be a book found in the library of Odelia maintained by the Scholars.


1. Meeting the Mountain - We assumed the island was deserted... we were wrong.

2. Docks rebuild - the rock of the mountain is not longer available for building supplies.. the forest was harvested and the marshlands were left.

3. Mountain Fall- Rebuilding of Ani & the Mountain.

4. Void Magic Voided - a strange man arrived and began infecting people of the city with his brand evil. The victims have been purified and what's left of the purple void magic has been captured in a water crystal which is held in the fae cave. Some other purple crystals may have survived and are buried through out the forest.

5. Docks Desecrated - the claw tag has appeared on their trading company tower, but they say the Hoarde did it.

6. Drows Ousted - a group of drows arrived and began to break down the infastructure of the legal system and were sent packing.

7. City Defense - the full moon brought out the wildness of the Claw bears and wolves alike attacking the city and docks.

8. The Shitment - To prove a point.. and because it's good fertilizer the Regent ordered a Shipment of Guano to the Island for the good of the soil and to remind the docks of their place in this Kingdom.

9. A Goliath Shot - at the first Brawl event a masked man shot the much loved Jaku. The Leader of the Claw reacted swiftly and cut off the attacker's hand. Thus reminding all that Odelian Laws do not apply to the Claw territory.

10. Justice for Jaku - Jaku squares up in a fist fight against his Attacker and wins!

11. Hooded Man Attacks - someone is roaming the Island attacking it's citizens and attempting to drain their energy.


12. Taxes - The King has sent several warnings in the form of letters, and people to warn the Island that his Tax collector is coming.


13. Blessed - The Priestess Ophelia offered a blessing for the fertility of the land.


14. Dragon's Wrath - When the taxes were not paid and the island was not built up as expected, the king sent his right hand, a dragon known as Vol'kern to decimate the island. Unfortunately, Odelia was reduced to ash, with only a few fae (including Ani from the mountain and her partner Barrett) surviving by hiding in the fae caves. All others fled or perished in the fires.

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