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The Beginning

King Celadyas the IV, the Ruler of the Dalezya Empire, holds many territories throughout the Zale Sea. He regularly sends favorite (or punished) nobles to rule in his stead and maintain the Dalezya hold on the Islands. One such noble house, Starfalk, was commanded to provide a leader for the Dalezya King to send to Alodia within the Navin Region after the former Leader had passed of old age.

Libation Starfalk started her time as Regent in Alodia as an outcast from Dalezya High Society.  The Queen Regent worked tirelessly with her court to set Alodia on the path of political peace. Ambassadors with treaties were sent to the nearby Azure Empire and Ardan Kingdom. The Azure Empire gifted Alodia a fleet of ships with the understanding that there was a border in the waters that should not be crossed. The Ardan Kingdom offered magic and knowledge as well as books to furnish the library. As the small Nation of Alodia found a new peace and prosperity, the King, seeing how well this noble house had created profitable commerce as well as peace, greedily commanded the Regent and her Court to another Island, Odelia, a place forgotten yet rich in natural resources.

The Dalezya Empire had not received word from Odelian settlers in many years . Libation and her nobles were instructed to sail across the Zale Sea to find out why there had been no word and to resettle the Island. Libation knew that the arduous journey would require protection, thus she enlisted the help of the Claw to escort their Azure Empire gifted boats in exchange for five silver and an allotment of territory for them to settle in this new wilderness.


The venture was not an easy one and the travelers fought for survival against sea creatures of the open waters and pirates on desert islands. Many days at sea passed before they reached the rocky shores of Odelia, their new home.

Upon first inspection, Odelia Isle was a lush forest with babbling brooks and rich soil on which abandoned farm ruins remained. The people began to create a civilization that could stand the test of whatever might come next.

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