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Silver Cliffs
The Beginning

Silver Cliffs is an island within the waters of the Dalezya Empire, much like Odelia. This story takes place thirty years after the destruction of Odelia by dragon fire...


Silver Cliffs is unique to the nation in that it, and its city, Lion's Gate, are run by a noble family of tieflings- the DeLeons. The DeLeons have held favor with the King of the Dalezya Empire for a very long time, even before the Abyssian blood was introduced to the family line.


Though the current patriarch of the family, Davion Mercurio DeLeon, is an excellent tailor and enjoys creating high fashion, he has maintained control over the island, even while working in Odelia, and has only recently stepped aside. Davion left control of the island to his two children, Draven and Dinah, and took his wife, Marigold, on a cruise trip to the capital.


Draven has stepped into a role of temporarily leading the island's military force, known as the Pride, and Dinah, ever the scholar, leads as one of Lion's Gate's magistrates. Draven's partner, Kezia Rose (aka Kizzie) operates the Merchant's Row. With these three watching over the island, it has proved a safe, beautiful, and prosperous place to live... though until recently, it was mostly closed off to immigration. One of Draven and Dinah's first acts was to open the borders and send out a call for skilled workers and aristocrats alike.


This has understandably created a lot of tension and stress for the duo, but they are working hard to keep the safe and prosperous vibe for the entire island, not just the upper city.

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